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Buisness cycle

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Buisness cycle
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  • This stage in business is what we call expansion. Expansion is when there is an increase in economic activity.
  • Steve i have an idea for our business we should come out with a new app that allows people to make their own website.
  • That sounds like a great idea.
  • This stage of the business cycle is called the Peak. The Peak is the highest point of the business cycle it is when your business is doing the best.
  • Guys the app worked out great and our buiness is making lots of money.
  • This stage of the business cycle is called a recession. A recession is when there is a significant decline in your business.
  • Okay guys we need to talk our sales of the app has significantly decreased in the last few moths to lets focus up.
  • A depression in the business cycle is when there is constant sharp decline in your business.
  • Alright guys this is not good all of our sales have severely declined and we are going through a depression.
  • This stage of the business cycle is called a recovery. A recovery is when you improve business activity and set up for another expansion.
  • Alright we can not afford to stay in this depression for any longer we have to come up witha plan to recover. We are gonna launch a big update to our app.
  • This stage of the business cycle is called the Peak. The Peak is the highest point of the business cycle it is when your business is doing the best.
  • Alright so as you guys know we recovered and expanded by launching that new update and now we are back the peak of our business.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu