The Colonies ran themselves. They were stopping the Americans from trading certain items therefore destroying the colonies economy.
The New Congress
We need to stand up.
I don't know
Since the British were taxing an extreme amount of money they were able to maintain there own army. One of the reasons they were taxing is due to the fact that they fought the Indian and thought that the taxation was fair.
The Fail
I agree that the king is unjust
The stamp act was the first direct tax on the colonies. The Americans had to prove all there properties and items that they owned on a sheet of parchment.
The Great Boycott
only five dollars
The Americans had a group formed the Stamp Act Congress. They decided that all the colonies needed to come together and take the problem to the king.
The congress failed at first due to four out of the thirteen colonies did not show. The delegates from every state came together and had a debate and found things in common.
Sorry we don't want to
We must go to the king.
The colonists stopped buying British products, they started a boycott. Eventually the British gave in and stopped the act.
No thanks
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