When jack had a substitute teacher he contradicted with the sub in math class the. Listen to the substititutes explaniation before acting it could result in making a mis understanding.
6x6 is 30 not 36.
On rare ocasions substitutes are wrong be kind because we do not apreciate how hard it is teaching so many different classes do not be critacal or blurt out answers.
36 teacher can you please do the math again
What is 6x6 class.Max is is not 36. Thank you mat congatulations on getting it right.
Why is your english so bad?
Do not comment on a teachers english because it is problay for cultaral reasons like they have an acsent. You may get in detention.
To the office now!!!!
Substitute there is a woompie cushion on your chair.
I do not now if this really happens if you now there is going to be a prank tell the sub stitute. Even if kids say you are a party pooper.
Class today i will be your substitute for math class please sit down. Who put this here was it you Jack. Go to the office.
Yay my pranks going to work. (He says to him self.) Yes it was me.
Thank you for teaching us well.
Try throw in some complements like thank you.
This is the end of class thank you for being a quite class.
The moral of the story is treat your substitute as well as you would your teacher or even better. (this is the narator the teacher.) Please do not make there job harder for substitutes then it already is.
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