well im pretty sure im was not do anything that against the law. may i know the reason of my detetntion.
good evening mr arif, im officer muthu from shah alam police station. you are under arrest right now. plss follow me to the police station
im so sorry mr. arif, i wasnt allowed to tell you the reason of detention. im just do what i've been told
2 days later...
you will be put to the detention cell. you are required to give testimony later. we will get back to you.
im so sorry mr arif, you are not allow to make any phone call.
okay, officer can i make a phone call to my lawyer
i feel something is off here, i was detained for unclear reason and now i cant make any phone call. this is so weird. is this usually happen when someone is being detained?
mr arif, you are required to give testimony right now. plss follow officer chong.
i will give my testimony only if my lawyer accompanied me throughout the session.
you have no choice mr arif, you're not allowed to have a lawyer right now and you still need to give the testimony. plss follow me and give cooperation to prevent from any harm.
you are free now. take care.
thank you officer
im so sorry dad, i had something to tell you. since you are a lawyer, i was arrested by the police officer when i was on my way to go to work. i feel something is off during the detention. i was being arrested to unclear reason, i wasnt allowed to contact you either and i was forced to give testimony. lastly for no valid reason i was arrest for 2 days. is it normal dad?
oh my godness!!! this is not supposed to happen. your rights has been denied by the police officer. we need to lodge a report
arif where has you been? you are not coming home for 2 days. your mum are so worried since we cant contact you.
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