It says "Gardens" in the title. How bad could it be?
It feels so weird being bossy!
Chapter 13
Amy, Dan, and Nellie see Jonah Wizard in France, like William suspected. Jonah tries to team with them, and Amy has trouble saying no. Finally, Amy gets the self-confidence to turn down the offer completely as Jonah will probably act the way Alistair did.
Chapter 14
"Follow that russian!" Irina somehow got Amy and Dan's copy of the book by Ben Franklin. They follow her to get Poor Richard's Almanack back, but they end up finding the Lucian stronghold instead. They also found the next part of the clue.
Chapter 15
The Holts were behind it! They burned down Grace's Mansion and hurt the Starlings with the bomb! Although, they were trying to hurt Amy and Dan everytime, but the two kids got lucky and escaped each attack. They are now trying to get to a place Amy and Dan are going to to get the next part of the clue.
Chapter 16 (Part 1)
Ok I memorized the numbers on the skulls!
Thanks for the clue! Ok... lets just copy this down...
The Holts capture Amy and Dan in a hole. Apparently, the hole was going to be filled with cement. Dan persuades Mr. Holt to help them out, saying that Amy will help them with the next clue in return. Two thugs come down with shovels, and the Holts charge at the thugs. Dan thinks it is a good idea to throw a grenade he found at the Franklin Institute and the thugs, but he misses and the grenade knocks the Holts out. Amy and Dan still escape though, but they leave behind the unconscious Holts.
Amy and Dan tell Nellie the whole story, from the start of the 39 clues to where they were now. Nellie officially joins them in their race. They see Alistair first, and Nellie gives him a black eye, thinking he was a "bad guy". They meet up and Alistair tells them that he had a broken rib from one of the Holts. He also thinks that they are still in an alliance. They see Ian and Natalie enter "The Maze of the Bones" and Alistair says that he will delay them as much as he can while Amy and Dan get in. They both agree.
Dan, Amy, and Nellie enter the Maze of the Bones. and they find the clue in there. Ian and Natalie follow them and try to steal the clue, but Amy threatens Ian by saying that she will stomp and break the bones (the clue) if he continues. Ian turns pale but still tries to keep up with his confidence. Alistair then attacks them from behind, keeping his promise from the last chapter.
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