Life continues only with "Joy"... a mandatory pill given to the people of Wellington Wells..
to control the citizens and give ultimate power to the government...
The citizens are oblivious to their reality.
Meanwhile, at Wellington Times...
The Wellington Times
One more hour, then I'm off for the weekend..
Hmm.. need a refill on my Joy. Honestly can't remember the last time I took it.
Francis walks in, heavily medicated on Joy.
Stopped taking Joy! Is he mad? Joy is the life behind our society. I hope he comes back to his senses.
No, haven't heard from him. Rumor is he stopped taking his Joy.
Hey Chris, have you seen Jim? He hasn't shown up for work this week.
Just always remember your Joy; one single pill cures all the ill!
Actually, are you feeling okay? You don't look too good. Have you been taking your Joy?
Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just a little under the weather is all.
A few hours later, in Chris's home..
Man, I really don't feel good. I'm going to have to go get some Jo- AHHH!
Chris falls to the floor, his body shaking vigorously. His vision blurs. Lights seem blinding, colors seem brighter, and Chris feels something stir inside him..
Wh-What's happening? I feel dizzy.. Everything looks so.. strange..
Color starts to seep through the room. One by one, all of the furniture brightens. The world around Chris is no longer black and white, grey and dreary.
He begins to adjust to his new, colorful surroundings.
Everything is so different.. It's beautiful. Why is this happening? Is it the Joy?
Should I tell anyone about this? Refusing Joy is a crime.. They could kick me out of the city..
Chris's bedroom..
What do I do now?
But everything is so much better now; I feel so aware.
A couple days later, Chris has fully adjusted to his colorful world..
but has yet to tell anyone about his new non-Joy lifestyle..
until one day at work, he accidentally let it slip..
Hey Francis, can you spot me one of those orange sodas?
The oran- I mean, the Fanta soda. Actually nevermind, I have a lot of work to do. See you later!
Yeah, I got yo- wait, the what?
I have to be more careful from now on. If they learn I stopped taking my Joy... well, I don't want to think about that.
Crap.. that was close. I get so used to seeing in color, I forget that I'm the only one.
Hey, I think you left your bottle of Joy in the break room..
Oh no, I don't think that's mine.
Are you sure? Who rejects Joy? Especially free Joy?
That means free Joy for me! You want some?
N-No, it's not that, I just took so much this morning, that's all.
Nah, I'll pass.
Fine, whatever, be weird. I'm heading home. See you tomorrow.
Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon!
I can't keep this act up for long.. Francis had one thing right though..
It's time to head home.
I have no idea what to do.. People are going to find out that I stopped taking Joy soon..
Later that night..
Hmm.. I wonder where Jim has fled to...
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