The black death originally started in China in 224 BC. It spread to Sicily in 1347 through trade routes via rats and fleas on the ships. It mostly effected the lower class due to the lack of sanitation and medicine. Jeremy is here to demonstrate the symptoms!
Day one of the plague consisted of a fever, headache, and weakness.
Ughhh...Was it something I ate?
Day two consisted of slurred speech, rapid pulse, a white tongue, and fatigue.
Cannnn I get...some waterrrrrr?
Day three involved swelling of the lymph glands, buboes that swelled and broke, and bleeding under the skin that resulted in purple blotches to appear. As well as a dark ring around the infected flea bite.
Finally on the fourth day the nervous system collapses, extreme pain follows, and anxiety and terror set in. Death followed soon after.
Bless you sire!
25 million people fell victim to the black death, including nearly half the European population. Other outbreaks were also found in London, Italy, and Germany.
N-Never Again...
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