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~The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus~

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~The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus~
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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
  • Where It All Began
  • The Betrayal
  • After Jesus finished praying, he exited and crossed over Kidron Valley into the garden. Judas who betrayed him knew the place because often Jesus' disciples and he met there. Judas entered the garden with soldiers. Jesus knew what was going to happen next.
  • The Discussion with Judas
  • Who is it you want?
  • Jesus of Nazareth
  • After having his time to pray, Jesus exited with Simon and his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the opposite side there viewed a garden, so he and his disciples went into it.
  • Simon's Sword Action
  • Judas was marching into the garden, with guided detachment soldiers as well as some officials from the chief priests and the Pharisees, armed with torches, lanterns and weapons.
  • Jesus' Quote Arrest
  • Put your sword down! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?
  • Jesus planning well ahead all this will be reality, went up and spoke, Who is it you want?.Jesus of Nazareth, they replied. I am he, Jesus replied
  • I am he
  • In a sudden movement, Simon Peter, who held a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, detaching its right ear. The servant was named Malchus.
  • Jesus commanded Peter, Put your sword down! Shall I not drink the cup the Father had given me?So then after healing the servant's ear, the soldiers, officers as well as the Jewish police arrested and bound him.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu