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Our beautiful baby boy Bobba has been born. He will become the next king of Loca

Bobba, your 18th birthday is coming up, which means you will be taking over as king

To prove to us and the kingdom that you are ready to be king you must go on a journey to slay the beast Rugalla who terrorizes the village.

18 Years Later

Excuse me, do you know where I can find Rugalla's tower? I must go and stop him from terrorizing the village

Why would you ever want to go there! You must be a mad man! But I will help guide you, here is a map to his home and take this magic sword. It has balance and is sharp enough to kill the beast.

With my incredible strengthand guidance from the Gods, I should have no trouble stopping Rugalla!


Call to Adventure


Bobba, the only way to defeat the beast is to behead him. To get to him the other beasts have created big obstacles you must make your way around. First you must quietly pass through the forest without being heard.

I can do anything with my massive arms and amazing strength. That beast is nothing compared to me!

Crossing the Threshold


All I have to do is just make it past them quietly and then ill take care of Rugalla.

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