There are two different types of fish in these situations. Goldfish and grey fish. This comic strip will show you examples of natural selection, which is the process whereby animals adapt better to their environment to survive band produce more offspring.
The clown fish iscamouflaged in the plants but the darker fish are swimming normally in the ocean. The goldfish are a good example of natural selection because they can blend in with their surroundings from predators.
A shark comes into their territory and the goldfish go straight into the plants. The grey fish try to hide from the shark but they can not hide because they are noticable to the shark. They're eaten by the shark while the goldfish are safe.
In the darker part of the ocean, the goldfish swim in an area in which they are noticable. While the grey fish stay lower and blend in with the ground.
While the grey fish are safe from the shark, the goldfish are being eaten by the shark since they have nothing to blend in with.
Natural Selection Comic StripCarly Myers
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu
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