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  • Hey there Lover of Knowledge, my name is Jean-Paul, and today Im going to teach you about moral systems, and in particular, Kant's philosophy of the Categorical Imperative.
  • What is the best moral system? Philosophers have been asking that for Centuries! It is a question that has intrigued many, and has provided many answers.
  • Immanuel Kant was a German Philosopher who was deeply intrigued by the study and philosophy of Ethics. He developed the Categorical Imperative as a way to determine morality through reason.
  • The Categorical Imperative is a sick spin-off of the golden rule. It essentially means that you consent for others to do to you what you do to others. Take a look.....
  • For Example, Imagine I see someone waslking past ,e, and I decide it would be hilarious if I throw an extra hot, double shot of caramel, frappucinno at the,,
  • Then, I would be consenting for her to throw one of those bad boys at me!
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu