I'm going to go to Mary's farm to fetch some more potatoes. This is my last one.
I'll get you a few Liam, don't worry. Mary's potatoes are the best in Ireland.
What?! How?! I don't get it, nothing like this has ever happened in Ireland before... Is this some kind of new bacteira?
Sorry Claudia, for some reason this morning's harvest wasn't edible, it was rotten and slimey.
Not sure about it but I hope this time's harvest will turn out better than this one.
Few months later.
Yea. Let's go to the inspection for the government's support. It could help us.
Sure, let's prepare for it.
I can't believe it. Mom and dad died, we're out of food and water. The only thing we have is this house......
At least seven (and perhaps 20 or significantly more) starving people died after being forced to walk for miles to present themselves for inspection by poor law union officials who would determine whether they would continue to receive outdoor relief.
One of the major effects of the potato famine is permanent change in the country's demographic, political, and cultural landscape.
The famine ended in 1849, when British troops stopped removing the food.18 million people was being removed from Ireland, its population was reduced by more than 2.5 million, to 6.5 million.Many more died from diseases that preyed on people weakened by loss of food. By 1847, the scourges of “famine fever,” dysentery, and diarrhea began to wreak havoc.
Interesting to hear the story from a survivor's perspective. I can't imgine a life without potatoes.
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