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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • American Isolationism
  • In the early 1930's Americans strongly favored isolationism. Because of World War 1 America was in severe economic problems, and did not want to become another nation entangled in a war and debt. Roosevelt did pledge to be a "good neighbor" to other nations but still wanted to be isolated
  • Mussolini's Invasion of Ethiopia
  • The Ethiopians had successfully avoided an attempt by the Italians to conquest in the 1890's. To avenge the defeat Mussolini ordered a massive invasion of Ethiopia. In October , 1935 the Italians invaded Ethiopia with their airplanes, tanks, guns, and poison gas.
  • The Nonaggression Pact/Nazi-Soviet Pact 
  • Britain and France asked the Soviet Union to join them in an effort to stop Hitler. Stalin while talking with Britain and France was also talking with Hitler. After talking Germany and the Soviet Union publicly pledged to never attack each other. On August 23, 1939 their leaders signed a nonaggression pact.
  • Invasion of Poland and the Outbreak of World War II
  • Quickly after signing the Nonaggression Pact Hitler started to plan his invasion of Poland. German tanks and troop trucks went across Polish boarder. German's started attacking Poland's capital bombing them from the air. The Invasion of Poland was the first time Germany used their new military strategies.
  • The Invasion and Fall of France 
  • In May of 1940, Hitler began his sweep through the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. This was part of his plan to strike on France next. Hitler sent a even larger force of tanks and troops to slice through the forests of France. Great Britain sent ships through Dunkirk to help France. Following Dunkirk, resistance in France began to crumble. By June 14th, the Germans had taken Paris
  • The Battle of Britain
  • After the fall of France, Great Britain stood alone. They were against the Nazi's by themselves. Hitler had now turned his mind to an invasion of Great Britain. Hitler planed to knock out the Royal Air Force and then land more than 250,000 soldiers on England's shore. In the summer of 1940 the German air force began bombing Great Britain. Attack on Great Britain continued. This battle of Great Britain continued until May 10, 1941, surprised by Britain's resistance Hitler called off any further attacks against Great Britain
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