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Arcon Bagayao CORENG Scaffold 1 Digital Story Board

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Arcon Bagayao CORENG Scaffold 1 Digital Story Board
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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Our topic in science a while ago was quite interesting wasn't it?
  • Our lesson on English awhile agp was quite interesting dont you think? (Nomination)
  • I know right? We learned a lot of different kinds of communication strategies, that we could use while conversing with other people/
  • No, She said that we need only to focues on, the pig fpr pur research, because it would be too hard to do both at thesame time. (Restriction)
  • Oh yeah, about our research paper, are we still going to research both the pig and the goat? I did not quite cath Ma'am's instruction earlier.
  • Oh eight! About our research topic, did Ma'am instruct us to research both about pigs and goats? I Did not quite catch the Instructions earlier.
  • Ohh, I see.
  • No, She said that we need only to focues on, the pig fpr pur research, because it would be too hard to do both at thesame time. (Restriction)
  • No, Ma'am told us to focus on research more on about the pig and set aside the research on thegoats for now. (Restriction)
  • Oh yeah, about our research paper, are we still going to research both the pig and the goat? I did not quite cath Ma'am's instruction earlier.
  • Ohh,I meant to ask you a while ago, what is your favorite movie? (Turn Taking)
  • I dont really watch that much of movies, i prefer reading books, novels and also reading some online ones.
  • No, She said that we need only to focues on, the pig fpr pur research, because it would be too hard to do both at thesame time. (Restriction)
  • Anyways, we should get back to topiv, about out research, so when do you want to start...(Ttopic Control)
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu