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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • Bella’s mum dropped her off and she walked into school and saw the boys playing football on the pitch (training) Bella’s eyes lit up!! She became excited, she was happy that this little town played football and without hesitation, she ran over to ask if she could Play.
  • “Ok honey, have fun at school!” said Bella’s mom, trying to help Bella stay positive. “Ok mom,” Bella said nervously. “don’t be worried honey new school, new friends, and just have fun!” “Ok”. Bella grinned like a treasure cat and walked a bit more confidently into the school, talking to herself “you got this, there are other new kids, don’t look scared….”
  • ok mom
  • Ok honey, have fun at school
  • As she continued to convince herself, she notices a boy through the corner of her eye, he had blond hair, not bad looking and he seemed to be a “popular kid” too, but what stood out the most – He was kicking a football down the hallway!!!
  • Before Bella knew it, math was over – Mr. Stephens, he is a tall lanky man, that wears glasses as thick as magnified glass, but the kids enjoy him, he makes the class really fun by cracking relative jokes and he has over 100 000 followers on tik tok another thing that all the kids speak of.
  • Bella made her way to lunch break and this was another level of difference, as all the students were in their groups “cool kids, chess club kids” and you could definitely see the “new kids” – I made my way to the long queue of students that were pushing their way to get their food, I eventually was able to collect my food, chocolate milk, mac and cheese. Before Bella knew it, school was over. Bella’s mum was waiting outside the gates!
  • Bella’s mum dropped her off and she walked into school and saw the boys playing football on the pitch (training) Bella’s eyes lit up!! She became excited, she was happy that this little town played football and without hesitation, she ran over to ask if she could Play.
  • “Can I play” the boys looked at each other with smirks on their faces and then ALL of them, including the coach - packed out laughing.
  • Bella so embarrassed looked around for her mom, but her mother had already left, so Bella ran away, holding her tears back, got to the bathroom, and burst into tears, wondering what she did wrong. The school day seemed dragged on, like it was never going to end, and all Bella wanted to do was, go home, chat with her mum and reflect on what had happened 8 hours before.
  • Bella ended up waiting till the end of the day(in class) to tell her mom what happened and tried not to show anyone; that what she had just gone through; was so heartbreaking, because this is what Bella lived for, football was her everything, her happy place, her venting place and her place where she could just express herself. She ended up seeing those boys, and once again they were laughing and pointing at her while she ran to her mom's car
  • it seemed like a slow-motion movie. “Hey, honey, what's wrong!” “Mom I’m never coming back to this school ever again!” “oh, why, what happened?”, said Bella’s mom with a concerned face “I don’t want to talk about it” Bella said in a sobbing voice “Ok let’s just get you home”.
  • Bella’s mom walks into Bella’s room to find her football stars (Renaldo) ripped off the wall, and Bella sitting on the floor, in a ball. “so, now are you ready to tell me”? asked Bella’s mom “ok fine mom”“some boys were so thoughtless and outright rude!!! All because I wanted to play football and nowI am so embarrassed to go back to school”
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu