Sadie was all tucked into bed when she heard a growl come from her closet
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"AHHHHH! A monster!" Sadie screamed. She jumped out of bed and ran to wake up her Mom and Dad.
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The monster was right on her tail. Sadie ran faster than she ever had before.
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She reached for the door knob to her parents room with a trembling hand.
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She shut the door behind her but when she turned around her parents were not there.
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The monster bursts into the room and reaches his tentacle out to touch Sadie. She closes her tear filled eyes in anticipation of its slimy touch.
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When she opened her eyes she felt a warm touch, not a slimy one. It was her Mom and Dad. She was back in bed.
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Are you alright, Honey?
Yes, I just had a scary dream. I was being chased by a monster. Why did I dream about that?
Well that's the funny thing about dreams, we don't really know why we dream the things we do. Doctors called Psychologists study our brains to try and answer this question. You're not the only one who's curious about their dreams.
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Hippocampus Amygdala Thalamus Visual Cortex
There are 4 parts of our brain that work really hard to produce our dreams. They are the hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, and visual cortex. Psychologists at the University of Rome have found that these 4 parts of the brain are also really active when we remember our memories.
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Not necessarily. Our brain uses pieces of our memory to construct a storyline. That's why the places and people we see in our dreams are familiar. We get creative and fill in the blanks.
Does that mean that my dreams are just my memories? I don't remember ever seeing a monster in real life.
Your brain just created this monster, that's why you don't remember seeing it before. It is normal to dream about being chased by a monster, Sadie. Being chased is one of the many common dreams that everyone has. 77% of people dream about it.
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That makes me feel better, but what does it mean? Am I going to be chased in real life?
We don't know the true answer but people all over the world try and give our dreams an explanation.
Dreams have been a mystery even back in Ancient Roman and Greek times. They believed dreams were messages sent from God.
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People today still believe that dreams are messages from God. Other people think that they tell us things about ourselves that we are unaware of.
For example, some people think that when you have a dream about taking a test in school it is our unconscious trying to tell us that we might have an underlying fear of failing.
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There are so many different interpretations and theories about the meaning of our dreams. We haven't found an exact answer to what they mean but it's important to talk about our dreams and try and figure them out.
What your dreams mean is up to you kiddo. If you think they are messages from God, then they can be. If you think they are telling you that you're scared of failing your math class then you can interpret them that way. There is really no wrong answers when it comes to dreams because we don't have enough information on them yet. The more conversations we have about our crazy dreams the more we can learn.
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Thanks Mom and Dad. I can't wait to go back to sleep and dream more!
Sadie hugged her parents goodnight and slipped back into a deep sleep. This time she dreamt she was a Psychologist in a lab studying dreams.
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Works Cited Linden, Sander Van Der. “The Science Behind Dreaming.” Scientific American, 20 Feb. 2024,
Works CitedCherry, Kendra. “9 Common Dreams and What They Might Mean.” Verywell Mind, 2024Gupta, Saanika. “Why Do Dreams Feel so Real?” BrainFacts.OrgLinden, Sander Van Der. “The Science Behind Dreaming.” Scientific American, 20 Feb. 2024Nichols, Hannah. “Dreams: Causes, Types, Meaning, What They Are, and More.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 2023Pearcy, Lee. Dreams in Ancient Medicine , University College London
Nichols, Hannah. “Dreams: Causes, Types, Meaning, What They Are, and More.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 2023,,components%20compared%20with%20sighted%20people.
By: Caitlin Gilmore
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