The Spanish Armada started when Elizabeth I killed Catholic Mary Queen of scots in 1587.
Shh, you don't want to disturb her idiot.
OMGG.. I cant believe that just happened in front of us !!!
The Philip II decided to invade Europe to turn them back to Catholic and gain more land. In 1588 the Spanish Armada set sail. Little did they know the English was near.
When the Armada reached Calais in England. The English used fireships and attacked . The Spanish Armada then tried to escape back to Spain but ships were destroyed by storms. The English then defeated the Armada. This was very bad for the Spanish Armada.
Oh no we lost!
The Spanish Armada was important because its the largest fleet ever known. Also was important because the result was colonization by England in America which is important to American History.
The Religious Conflict is that Spain is Catholic and England is protestant. This made Philip II want to attack England to turn them back to Catholic. Basically make them practice catholic religion.
We won!!
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