King Pelias, whom stole the throne, agree to give Jason the throne if he can retrieve the golden fleece from Colchis.
Noble warrior, Jason returns to his hometown of lolcus to regain his father's throne.
Jason recruited a shipwright named Argus who builds him a ship called the Argo. Jason puts together a crew of gods and goddesses and calls them the Argonauts.
After encountering many trials and tribulations on his long journey, Jason approaches King Aeetes to ask for the golden fleece
The king assures Jason that he can have the fleece if he can manage to pass the three tests lying between him and the fleece.
Before beginning his trials to acquire the fleece, Jason lays eyes on the king's daughter, Medea, and immediately falls in love with her. Medea feels a connection to Jason and gives him vials with different potions in order to help him pass the tests and get the fleece.
With the help of Medea's guidance and potions, Jason manages to pass the tests and retrieve the golden fleece. Elated at his victory, he returns to Medea with the fleece and the two board the Argo to head home.
Enraged at his daughter's betrayal and Jason retrieving the fleece, King Aeetes sends his son Apsyrtus after them. In order to stop him, Medea kills her brother, chops him into pieces, and scatters his remains across the land.
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