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Excuse me i know you hate me a lot, but can you please delete the harmful post that is on your account.
Everyone is berating me and saying fake stuff that i threatened to fight you.
hey are you guys okay?
yes where fine thanks for asking. Wait so you didn't post anything about me on social media!
no i didn't did you save the image of where it was said?
no its okay, so wait do you think that she sent a hate comment out on social media to you?
im so sorry for thinking it was you, can you forgive me please and yes that was the problem but it wasn't her.
no its fine everyone makes mistakes. oh and can i see the picture of the image please.
well i am happy you guys sorted it out and can i see the picture as well.
yes here you guys can look at it.
this is a account from a girl in year 10 and that's another girl because see look the account in linked below and that's not your account.
yeah that isn't your account so don't worry about it.
no problem its okay.
oh wow im so sorry for blaming you when it had nothing to do with me.
I'm happy you guys solved it out.