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  • I will name you Siddhartha
  • I am here to free man kind from suffering!
  • You will become a king like me when you grow up. No religion and you will stay in the palace! - King
  • After many years of Siddhartha's father keeping him locked up in the castle to hide all the death, old age, suffering, and sick people from him, Siddhartha was finally allowed a tour of the village. The king did everything he could to hide things that could provoke his son's spiritual gifts, so he would become a king. Siddhartha saw an old man kneeling, a sick person, and a corpse, which changed his outlook.
  • I have never seen so much death and suffering, I can no longer be happy. - Siddhartha
  • Siddhartha decided to leave his wife and child to seek enlightenment and devote his life to spirituality, which is what his father tried to stop from happening.
  • I can no longer going to live like this, I am to begin my spiritual journey and become a wandering ascetic. I will also shave my hair off.
  • I am going to eat one meal and stay here under this tree until I get enlightenment, or die of starvation.
  • The next morning, he gets enlightenment and is known as the Buddha. He is worshipped, along with the tree.#160;
  • He later dies from eating a meal with spoiled pork.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu