In chapter 15 the warden gave X-Ray the day off and got the rest of the boys to pair up in partners and dig wile the other partner would shovel the dug up dirt into a wheel barrel and dump it far away because they had to very carefully look through the dirt for anything interesting. They dug the holes well over six feet till the warden had enough of waiting and let them be finished.
In chapter 16 the warden got Mr. Sir to watch them dig and they had to work extra fast because the warden was getting impatient. Stanley loaded the dirt into the wheel barrel because he was a slower digger than everyone else so he was basally running and dumping piles into a different hole .
In chapter 17 the warden was very impatient and got they boys to dig long after everyone else was done digging. They boys dug so much that all of their holes connected and was one big hole. Armpit had to use the washroom and once he was returning to his hole the warden was not happy that he left so she jabbed him in the chest with her pitchfork causing him to fall into the hole. Stanley accidentally put his dirt to close to zig-zags to so zig-zag waked him with his shovel.
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