Hey John! I am preety good except from the fact that I saw a really strange dream at night. How are you thought?
I am really good! What was your dream about, I am really curious to learn. Do you want to go to a cafe and tell your dream?
Yes, of course let's go!
Ok well.. I was packing my suitcaise for a trip. My parents hadn't told me where we were going but they seem to be really excited! The next day we all went into a spaceship. I asked my dad where we were going and he told me that we were goint to the future. It sounded really excited right? When we arrived everything there was controlled with techonology. I was shocked! We stayed there for two whole weeks and every day we explored a place.  The last day we checked-out our suitcases and then a robot came into our room and took them all. I thought that the robot had just stolen our suitcases but when we went to the spaceship the suitcases were there. I didn't see what happened next because my mum woke me up, but I don't that something more fascinating than our trip happened.
Haha this must have been really intersting to watch I have to go now thouhgt see ya byeee
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