Hi there! I am Albert. It is a great day, am I right? Since the sun is shining today, let me take you to my commuting journey.
I hope I won't be late for class. I’m already behind my class schedule!!
oh shoottt!! They should have prioritized fixing these roads! This is dangerous.
Albert resides in Caloocan and is a student from the Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila. Albert goes to school from Monday to Saturday every 11:00 in the morning and goes home at 7:00 in the evening.
Come on! You all can fit in there! There’s more here! Give Spaces! Give Spaces!
Thinking that the jeepney terminal would be crowded by commuters, Albert decided to walk more quickly.
Albert: Gosh, how am I going to arrive at school early with this traffic?
Suddenly, Albert tripped to a pothole on the road. Luckily, he was not bruised. Then, he continued walking on the way to the terminal.
Even with the several passengers, jeepney drivers still forced the commuters to fit in inside the jeep.
Ugh, this is like a hell! It’s so hot!
Unfortunately, besides being in a crowded and narrow jeepney, the long traffic that suddenly came out from nowhere even adds up to the stress that Albert is feeling.
Luckily, after a few hours being stuck in the traffic, Albert has managed to arrive at the school.
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