if you need my help, all you have to do is make my signal
Hey guys, I'm EcoBoy! I am a superhero who takes care of the environment, I'm here with my loyal friend Greene. Our function is to eliminate and transform waste in order to give it a friendly use in environment.
This TV show is awesome!
How would you transform waste in a way that benefits us without generating pollution or harming other natural components?
Ecoboy, you came! I need your help, you know that waste has generated massive pollution over the years, so I want to ask you the following question...
Before answering your question, I will explain about the carbon footprint: This is a mark that we all leave when we use electronic services, means of transportation, etc. This is responsability of each person, so it is very different.Greene's power is to transform waste into cubes and my power is to eliminate it without affecting the environment.
Are you going to answer my question?
Fine, let´s start cleaning the world.
Sure. There are wastes that increses the pollution and those can be reused to give them a second chance, with such wastes you can create innovative things, such as handicrafts. This is very viable because it would not generate as much pollution as if it were done with chemicals or machines.
We did it! Thanks Ecoboy.
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