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  • Storyboardlarım

Visual Narrative

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Visual Narrative
Storyboard That

Kendi Storyboard'unuzu oluşturun

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Kendi Storyboard'unuzu oluşturun

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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Good morning class! Welcome to your first day of school! I am Sir Mark and I am your adviser for the school year.
  • Now, before we begin, I want each of you to line up according to your last name.
  • Any student with sight or hearing disability, please come to the front of the line.
  • Now, those who were first in line will sit at the front row. The next people will sit at the adjacent rows behind.
  • With the seating arrangement adjusted, does anyone have any concerns or problems with their seats?
  • Well then. Now that seats are sorted out, each row will be a group for collaborating activities for the school year.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu