Audrey lived with her parents, four siblings, her aunt and her two cousins in her aunties bookshop.
I can't wait to become an inventor!
She read books all day about mechanics and inventors in hopes that one day she would become one too.
You cannot be an inventor! You know I hate those machines!
One warm, dusty day in the Lower East End, Adeline was wandering the streets of London when a sign caught her eye. ‘Merryweather’s Mechanical Marvels’ painted in big, bold, brown letters sat in front of her.
Merryweather's Mechanical Marvels
Although, her father hated the new and upcoming machines more than anyone.
She met the shop's owner, Mr Merryweather and his lovely wife, who took in Adeline as their own and taught her many things she hadn't yet learnt about mechanics.
Adeline entered the store without any hesitation, already marvelled by the mechanical wanders that lurked within.
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One evening when she entered her Aunties bookstores door...
Adeline went back to that shop on the daily, having small inventor lessons with Mr Merryweather.
...she was met with the angry face of her father.
“What are you doing at that mechanical store everyday?!”
“You are forbidden to ever go there again, go to your room!”
Adeline shoved open the mucky old window and slipped out, two stories high, she hung. She held onto the gutter's pole and slid down it, safe and sound onto the grimey floor underneath her. Adeline made a quick start for Mr Merryweathers and made it there in no time.
Adeline was now trapped in her room, her selfish father hated those machines. She was pent up in her room, stuck for a total of two days before she already made up a plan to escape.
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She told the Merryweathers her issue and they took action upon it. She never wanted to go back to that house so, they took in Adeline as their own child.
Adeline now stayed with the Merryweathers, inventing and learning all day.
Together the three of them invented a water purification system and all of London thanked them.