so you will be having a mini debate for our computer subject.
I'll be defending MARIADB.
So as you can see, MYSQL is the database that is first invented by Michael Widenius. So basically there is no MARIADB if Michael Widenius didn't invented MYSQL.
okay let's move on to question and answer.
It is more preferable by the people.
MARIADB is an updated version of MYSQL. And when we say updated version, it is more convenient and easier to acces.
How can you say that MARIADB is preferable by the other people?
MARIADB is completely free and open-source so it is much preferable.And of course we like updated versions.
But, what is really the difference between the two? Aren't they they same?
Like we said earlier sir, MYSQL is the first database that Michael has invented. And MARIADB is the updated version. They are both free. Though MYSQL has limited features, while MARIADB is open-source.
and, MARIADB is more easier to access and easier to use.
Okay okay. You two have made your point. This debate is done you may now sit down.