Our story follows a military man, Ai-Fak who used to be a monk. Upon his return from the military, Ai-Fak found a lovely lady bathing in the river.
Slayt: 2
Welcome back son! I would like you to meet my new wife, her name is Mai Somsong. Do treat your step-mother well.
Upon returning home, his father introduced him to hisfather's new wife. She was the same woman as the one Ai-Fak saw in the river. Her name was Mai Somsong. It was also revealed to him that his new step-mom has a mental illness
Slayt: 3
FATHER NOO! I shall follow your wish and take care of Mai.
Ai-Fak continued being a monk after finishing his militaryduties. Some time later, his father has sadly passed away. He remembers his father's wish, for him to take care of hisfather's wife.
Slayt: 4
Hey! Ai-Fak has an improper relationship with his stepmom!
No, I'm not.
You are my husband !
Because of Mai's mental illness, she has mistaken Ai-Fak as her husband. Because of this, there was a rumor circulating in his village that he was in a relationship with his step-mom.
Slayt: 5
We already know the story! You cannot deny the rumors you scum!
But I'm innocent! I did not have sexual relations with that woman!
However, his explanation to this rumor has fallen to deaf ears. Nobody chooses to believe that Ai-Fak, is not dating his step-mother.
Slayt: 6
woe is me :(
Ai-Fak was innocent, however due to the extremely negative views of him of his neighbours, he developed vices and was extremely depressed. The End.