Hello. Is the appointment second time for the shingles vaccine?
Yes. Also, can I get a brief explanation of a shingles?
Sure. Shingles are a inflammation caused by a viruses that is same as a chicken pox. It can cause painful rash, so it is good to have a vaccine.
Slayt: 2
Next day...
Hello, doctor. I got the second shot, but I don't know why I have sore arm, muscle aches, fever, and tiredness. Did I got sick?
No, no you didn't get a disease. It is a type of humoral response.
What is that?
Slayt: 3
1st vaccine
2nd vaccine
helper T cell
memory B cell
plasma cell
x tons
At the second shot, the first steps are same, but the memory B cells' data is used by plasma cells to create tons of antibodies. Then, antibodies find the antigen to stick, so the Leukocytes, mainly neutrophils can kill them.
Slayt: 0
At the first shot, the antigen that came by vaccine was eaten by macrophage to give the data to helper T cell, given to memory B cells to generate antibodies for the next time. This is nonspecific immunity.
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