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Types of farming

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Types of farming
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  • This is done to obtain animal products to sell in the market.
  • MILK
  • WOOL
  • MEAT
  • This type of farming is practised in temperate grasslands
  • Pastoral farming is the rearing of livestock (cattle,sheep,goats) for commercial purposes.
  • The animals are kept in specially designed places called ranches
  • Examples of animal products:- Meat, milk, wool, hides etc.
  • The animals are fed well on local food.
  • They are :- The prairies of the USA, the pampas of Argentina, the veld of South Africa, the steppes of Eurasia and the downs of Australia.
  • Pastoral farming is a highly specialised and useful type of agriculture.
  • These ranches are scientifically managed and animals are well looked after.
  • Examples:- Fodder crops like alfalfa and Lucerne
  • There are separate departments for every stage of animal production.
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