In the Kingdom of Ayodhya, there lived 4 siblings namely Rama, Bharata, Lakshmana and Satrughna. Rama and Lakshman were then assigned to kill a demon and succeeded. After that, the two brothers went to complete the task of stringing the bow of Shiva. Rama succeeds this task and marries Princess Sita.
Slayt: 2
The Exile
Manthara convinces Kaikeyi to use her two boons from King Dasharatha, the two boons were to exile Rama to the forest for 14 years and to make Bharata the new king. Rama accepts this wish and his loyal brother Lakshman and Sita join him in his exile. Bharata soon finds out about and is angry with his mother doing this, he went to find Rama and asks him to return to rule the kingdom but he refused since he said that they had to obey their father’s wishes. Bharata then takes his sandals and with Rama’s blessing, he goes back to Ayodhya to rule until Rama returns from his exile. Rama, Sita and Lakshmana continued to live in the forest peacefully with no worries.
Slayt: 3
Demons in Disguises
One day, Surpanakha disguised herself as a beautiful woman to seduce Rama but she didn’t succeed and got wounded by Lakshmana instead. Surpanakha returns to her brother in tears and tells him what happened, she also tells him about how beautiful Sita was and that he was the only one suitable for her. Ravana devises a plan to abduct Sita, he sends a golden deer who was a demon in disguise. Sita asked Rama to catch the golden deer, he finds out the deer was a demon all along and killed him but the demon imitated Rama’s voice and cried for help. Lakshmana decided to draw out a magic circle around the hut then he told Sita to stay inside the circle and he left to go to Rama, Ravana immediately turned into a poor man and went to Sita begging for food.
Slayt: 4
Starting War with New Friends
Sita gave him food but once she crossed the line, Ravana immediately takes her and flies away in his carriage. Jatayu heard Sita’s cries for help and tries to help her but he ended up getting killed by Ravana. Rama and Lakshmana returned and found a dying Jatayu, he told them that they will find Ravana soon. After killing a demon and who was then released from a curse, theylater find Hanuman and Sugriva who helps them in rescuing Sita. Hanuman was then ordered to find Sita, he found her and asks her to come with him but Sita refuses, saying thatRama would come save her soon.
Slayt: 5
The Intense Battle
Hanuman gets captured by Ravana’s men, Ravana sets Hanuman’s tail on fire and so he goes to the city and lights the place on fire, after that he went back to Rama. Rama and the others with the help from the Sea God, made a bridge out of stone and crossed it to arrive in Lanka. The battle the commenced, The monkey army vs. The demon army. In the end, Kumbhakarna, his sons, Indrajith and a lot of soldiers died. Then it was Ravana and Rama’s turn to battle, Ravana gets killed by Rama using a weapon which has the power of the Gods and from Ravana’s body grew a few plants and a tree.
Slayt: 6
A Happy Ending
Rama rescues Sita and got reunited with her. Rama returns to Ayodhya and became King. The people couldn’t be anymore happier to have Rama as their ruler. He ruled over his kingdom and brought peace and happiness to the poepl of Ayodhya.