Have you ever tried thinking like a computer would do?
Are you a male or female Robot Turkey?
Male. You. Probably. Can't. Tell.
Nope. Never. Tried. That. Before.
Can you quickly float?
Have you flown too far across the state?
No. I. Am. To. Stay. Where. I. Am. Programmed. To. Be.
Indeed. I. Can.
Can you fit 10 books under the bed and may I see?
Does it affect your programming?
No. I. Don't. Do. That.
I decided to buy a Robot Turkey from a friend, who invented this machine. Then I started to ask it questions.
What would be the most offending to you?
Geez! It probably would hurt their teeth.
Yes. It. Would.
If. Someone. Were. To. Try. And. Eat. Me.
I continued to ask it questions, some that are logical and some that are random.
Is there any possible way to make you taller?
Okay? How do I do that?
Click. A. Button.
Yes. But. Don't. Make. Me. Too. Tall.
Then I asked if it could fit 10 books under a bed, unfortunately I cannot hide any books that I dislike or feel ashamed of reading.
Well, now you're a huge Robot Turkey.
Yes. Indeed.
Now. To. Make. A. Feast. For. Everyone.
Normally I would ask a person what offends them so I can avoid it, but apparently I asked the Robot Turkey. I would not eat metal, even if it comes to that case.
The Robot Turkey seemed too small just to make a feast for the town, so then I clicked a button like it told me to.
Eventually the Turkey will fly back so I can ask more questions, but anyways, have a happy Thanksgiving in a week and a few days. :) (Don't celebrate Christmas on Thanksgiving.. Please.)
I wasn't done asking you questions. :(
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