Hey Honey, you are back. You were in a coma for 29 years. Anyways, since I didn't get your money, I guess I can show you current culture.
Wait. I need to go somewhere else first.
Why did you take me to this weird gas station?
Back when I was still kicking, all the people in my small village used to come here to listen to our villages latest musical talents. One of them even sold 53 CDs!
Nowadays you can view music on platforms on the internet such as ZeckTube
Wow! These songs have millions, some with even billions of views! How do the songs spread so fast?
Welcome home Shaan. What Did you think of the different platform
That was very cool! I especially liked the app ZeckTok. I don't understand how they spread so quickly. Can you show me another example
Check out this videohttps://bit.ly/DOxNOTxCLICK[1,092,100,287 Views][Uploaded 1 Week ago]
The Guy that the wife is cheating on - (Online)
Wait.... Are you cheating on me?
I still don't understand, how does it spread that fast? My local music doesn't ever leave our town. That one song got a billion views in 1 week.
It's called pop culture. Think of it as a pyramid scheme or a virus. It starts with one source and then spread to 2 people and each of those people spread it to 2 more each