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Vaping Comic Strip Final

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Vaping Comic Strip Final
Storyboard That

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  • Hi, I'm Tyson.
  • Hi, I'm James.
  • You want a vape pen?
  • Sure man.
  • Let's go to my car, I got it there.
  • Ok, let's go.
  • I got from my car, here take it and that's $40.
  • Ok, here take the money.
  • I don't feel good after vaping. My stomach hurts and I cannot breathe.
  • Easy money!
  • The lesson that can learned from this story is that teenagers get vape pens and start to vape, but damage their lungs and bodies. The dealers get easy money, and do not care about the other person.
  • I don't care about what happens to him.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu