oh look, its Watergirl going to save the day!!!
I've stopped you Dr. Ice from your plan to stop the water cycle and destroy the world...
...foiled again!!
Watergirl flew the toxic mixture up into space and threw it far away from earths atmosphere so Dr. Ice could never use it again. Earth's water cycle was saved so that life could continue. Life needs evaporation of water from earth, precipitation from the clouds to come back to earth for life to exist. Let's not forget in Canada that we need water to freeze into its solid forms so we can enjoy our favorite winter past times of HOCKEY, SKIING AND SNOWMOBILING...and making snowmen!!
Dr. Ice was captured by Watergirl and handed over to the police. He will spend the rest of his life in jail for trying to permanently freeze the water cycle.
...and we can still watch the liquid water flow over the falls
Ms. Waterhouse, we watched Watergirl save the water cycle!!!!
I guess the kids really were paying attention to my lesson on the water cycle after all....and hopefully my secret is still safe!
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