EMERGENCY MEETING- LDL cholesterol is in high amounts and attacking the bloodstream.
What is going on?!
We are in trouble! The LDL Cholesterol is increasing rapidly due to our body ingesting too much saturated fat
What is LDL Cholesterol?
LDL stands for low-density lipoprotein. LDL takes cholesterol from the liver to where it is needed. Too much cholesterol in your blood can lead to LDL build up and cause heart disease and strokes. In contrast, HDL stands for high-density lipoprotein. HDL transports excess cholesterol from the body back to the liver where it is excreted.LDL is considered bad for the body and HDL is considered good for the body. Too much LDL and not enough HDL, can result in poorer health outcomes. HDL-Man we need you to save our body before it is too late!
HDL-Man, Why are you here?
Stop eating that!
You can't eat excessive amounts of processed foods with saturated fats as they are high in LDL cholesterol. You need to eat foods with HDL cholestrol. Eating foods with Polysaturated Fats can lower your LDL Cholestrol, examples include corn oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, seafood and fish. Moreover, eating foods with Monosaturated Fats will lower LDL and increase HDL cholesterol examples include, olive oil, avacoados nuts, peanut oil and canola oil.
Thats why I was feeling unhealthy. I will make good food choices from now on.
Thanks for your help HDL-Man.
No Problem
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