Hi... My name is Spoken Language, and I'm sad...
I have mastered so many things!Awareness of words, Awareness of Syllables and Onset-Rimes, Awareness of Phonemes.
And yet... I feel so empty! If only I could find my other half...
Funyuns and Spam for dinner again... *sigh*
*sobbing noises*
Don't mind me, just another Wednesday
Oh... hi. I didn't hear you come in over the sound of my crying.
Sure, I know Concepts about Print, Letter Names and Shapes, and Sound/Spelling Correspondences... But I feel ready to move forward and take the next step, you know?? I just don't know what that is!
What's wrong? Oh, well... I just have this feeling that there's something more I'm supposed to do than just understand written language all day
I need more tissues to cry into *forever alone*
You're what I've been looking for! Together we'll understand Chunks Within Words and Automatic Word Recognition
And together they became the Phonics and lived happily ever after!The End
*Gasp* It's you! My other half!
I wonder if she likes Funyuns...
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