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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • The geographic features in the South were very beneficial to the economy, the warm climates, flat lands, and fertile soil were good for farming cash crops. the main cash crops were tobacco and cotton.
  • The rivers system of the South was also very beneficial to the economy, the people could transport goods and cash crops to trade with others and make money to benefit their lifestyle.
  • The economy of the South was mostly based of of farming, one of the major reasons the South people wanted slaves was because of this, most people owned a lot of land and wanted to make sure that all of the crops could be taken care of.
  • the Souths' social hierarchy was quite simple, at the top they had plantation owners: wealthy people who owned large amounts of land and slaves. next, Small farmers: they owned a fair amount of land, and some slaves. some of them were involved with the government. Then there was poor farmers, who lived mostly near the Appalachian mountains and foothills, and we're often descended from indentured servants. they owned no slaves, and we're not involved with the government. at the bottom was slaves, they had no property or freedom.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu