Dad just left, and I am all alone. He told me to look after old Loren Hall's claim.
That's not good news and a fresh group stampeders started at the Mazy May River to collect the gold. Hall's claim might get jumped by them, since it isn't documented.
I did see a group of stampeders before that were claim jumping earlier. I am going to explore a little more about them to see if they jump the claim.
Walt Masters! Word just came in and Loren Hall just got injured. He is returning back slowly from the gold commissioner's office, in Dawson.
Claimed by the Masters
We just found gold in this piece of plot, let's jump this claim. Also it is unrecorded from the list! We are going to be very rich if we do this.
This is very wrong for them to do this! This is going to be risky if I do this, but I have to be brave to save Loren Hall's claim. I just have to wait for the right moment.
Good idea, let's place our stake here and rest for a bit. Then we can hit the trail as hard as we can.
Now that I hastily stole their dogs, I will lead them to Dawson away from here. They are yelling at me horrible things if I don't give back the dogs. But I can't turn back now. The only thing I can do is yell the team of dogs to move faster.
Move it! Go faster! Yee! Haw! Mush!
This is not good the men are catching up! The forest twists and turns slowing me down and they are firing. This is going to be a perilous journey.
Give our dogs back or we will shoot! Stop right there now!
I just noticed that the lead dog doesn't know what I am saying. This is not good, but I can't replace it now
Come on! Faster! Mush!
Oh no! One of the bullets killed the bad lead dog, but I can replace him with the good one. This is a blessing in disguise. The only problem is the men are so close to capturing me!
Yes! I whiped them in the face and they got tangled!
I have an idea to get me out of this! I can use my whip to hurt their faces, and reach Dawson safely .
Thank you Walt for doing this for me. Now I got my documents for my claim let us head back home at the Mazy May. I think everyone in Yukon should call you King of Mazy May for your bravery.
I agree that we should head home from Swede Creek now.
I finally lost the stampeders some were at Mazy May river. Also I ran into old Loren Hall during my way back from Dawson. This adventure took the entire night that it is morning now.
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