Bae, i want to travel to Colombia with you to spend Christmas with your family and meet them.
Oh really? ok i am going to call my mom and tell her to put one more plate hahaha
Mom, dad, Jhon he is Luke my boyfriend
Hi guys nice to meet you
Hi Luke is a pleasure to have you here
Yeah sure mommy, ok, mmm " Padre nuestro que estas en el cielo santificado sea tu nombre..."
OK Luke, here in Colombia we have the costom that every Christmas the novenas are prayed, so we are going to do it . Jhon do you want to start reading?
The part where we eat natilla is my favorite is so delicious, Do you like natilla Luke?
In Colombia we have the costom to eat turkey and rice, and we make buñuelos and empanadas too and for the dessert natilla with blackberry jam
I have never eaten natilla but it looks so delicious so i guess i am going to like it
wow baby, that's not how it works you have to ask for things like health, love and so on, no cars o play stations hahaha
first grape mmmmm i want a carr, second grape i want a play station...
Dont laugh
Ohh really ash, i really want a car o a play station and i though that if i aet that grapes i would have it
Oh that sounds interesting
Another costom is to eat at 12 oclock 12 grapes and at the same you eat the grapes you have to think in a wish, i mean for one grape one wish
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