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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Hey Mo, you missed saga meeting last Tuesday evening. Na asksChrist... because I didn't see your name, and I scrolled through the fifteen trillion names that were there!
  • Girl, my internet was not cooperating, it was doing its own thing. So,you know how that go.
  • LOL, girl you always have internet issues. Dwl You need to come out of the bush and live somewhere civilized
  • What did Mrs. Wilmot bring to the table and who did she give the floor to, to present? and please don't leave out what the presentation was about. Fill me in fully.
  • Lol, Child leave me and my bush alone and tell me what the meeting was about.
  • lol girl chill, I am a teacher and an English major, I don't type in pawta, at least not anymore lol. But that's good, some solid points. Me afi go work pon my body language, cause girl she always saying something that my mouth aint saying. Saga is always interesting and informative. Thanks for filling me inShana.
  • Girl it was good, the Speaker was Dr.Aisha Spencer. So,she basically spoke on Effective communication, she saidhowcommunication works well when we are cognizantof self andothers. She spoke on Non-verbal, gestures and body movements as communication too. We must be very mindful of those when we are interacting as those send messages too. Ms. Spencer urgedus to write ouremails in a professional manner, using punctuation marks, proper grammar, spelling and Mo, make sure you write it in Standard Jamaican English and not inpatwa like when you texting me.
  • lol girl chill, I am a teacher and an English major, I don't type in pawta, at least not anymore lol. But that's good, some solid points. Me afi go work pon my body language, causesgirl she always a say something that my mouth aint saying. Saga is always interesting and informative. Thanks for filling me inShana.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu