The event is referred to as " The Big Bang " because it occurred as a huge, violent explosion!
Unisia is explaining the event that caused the birth of the universe, but Ahron, the kid on the slides seems to think different than Unisia.
Hmm, that's not all how the universe formed!
Wowww, that's super hot!
The Big Bang was so hot that it had a temperature of 180 million trillion degrees Fahrenheit! Before the bang everything in the universe was squeezed together tightly!
That is really hot!
Unisia is explaining how hot and defense the Universe was before the bang occurred, and the kids are really interested.
Before The Big Bang occurred every single thing in the universe was packed all together unlike how it is now.
This tells scientist that once the bang happened, everything in the universe expanded outwards instead of being altogether.
Unisia is elaborating on how packed everything was before the bang, but Ahron seems to be very agitated with what she's saying.
Well actually, everything in the universe has always been spread out and there was a never a " bang "!