The steam engine was used in factories, mines and even used for transportation. After the 1820s it helped people travel faster in less time and that meant that factories could be built anywhere and not only in waterways.
I improved Thomas's engine and created a steam engine that could be used in a varietyof industries.
James Watt
Otto von Bismarck
Bismarck Rises to Power
In 1862, Otto von Bismarck wasappointed prime minister of Prussia.
Is that the guy who is appointed prime minister of Prussia??
yes!, and I heard that he is developing a plan to unify Germany underPrussian leadership.
James Hargreaves
SO.. do you like what I invented?
Industry speeds up
OfCorse! it's amazing
James Hargreaves invented the spinningjenny, a machine that could spin thread more quickly.
oh come on, at least we are working on new objects to make with the stuff we find you know? it's for our own good
The factory system
This is so tiring, I liked it better when most goods were produced at home.
Before the industrial Revolution, most goods wereproduced at home. But, after industrialization, workers toiled infactories, mines, and other locations. and rather than working at their ownpace, workers now had to work accordingto strict rules and schedules.
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