One day little Billy was walking in the park with his Uncle Jimmy. Billy thought Uncle Jimmy looked strange so Billy asked "Why are your eyes so red?" Uncle Jimmy responds "I've eaten to many special cookies." Little Billy responds "Can I try one?"
Uncle Jimmy then decided to give Little Billy a special cookie which were actually edibles. He gave it to Billy because Uncle Jimmy is a chronic marijuana user and is addicted like 1 in 10 people that try marijuana and like most drugs marijuana causes a lapse in judgement.
After he tried the edible little Billy wanted more. He asked his Uncle where he could get some. Uncle Jimmy said "Smoking it is my favorite. It feels better." Billy responded
Little Billy enjoyed the high feeling so he went out and found a marijuana dealer. It was easy to find a drug dealer since marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States, with approximately 22.2 million users each month.
3 months later from the first use Little Billy has become addicted, and his grades are suffering because constant use makes teens unable to focus because their brains aren't fully developed.
One day Billy needed to get a high feeling he forgot his mom was coming home. That's when she say him and said "Oh my son is a pot head!"
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