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Cellular Respiration

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Cellular Respiration
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  • Ugh! my bicep is burning. I think i'm done for today.
  • Did you ever wonder why that burning feeling happens?
  • Cellular.. what?
  • Its all because of Cellular Respiration!
  • Oh! but.. how does that work?
  • Well it all starts with oxygen and glucose.
  • Cellular respiration! it's the process that releases energy from food in the presence of oxygen.
  • Woah!
  • we are going to turn that glucose and oxygen into 6 molecules of carbon dioxide, 6 molecules of water, and energy that humans can use for their exercise.
  • In order to turn one molecule of glucose into energy we need to add 6 molecules of oxygen, and through cellular respiration-
  • Firstly, there's glycolysis, which takes place in the cytosol of the cell. Then comes the Krebs Cycle, And finally the electron transport chain!
  • The glucose is transformed into ATP over 3 separate stages.
  • That's exactly right! Glycolysis is simply the breaking up of glucose's 6 carbon ring into two 3 carbon rings called G3P (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate) molecules.
  • Okay it's starting to make sense but I'm still really confused.
  • Okay think about it this way; If you want to make money then you gotta spend money.
  • Not only do we get those 4 ATP molecules but we also get 2 pyruvate's and 2 super energy rich morsels called NADH.
  • In order to create 4 ATP molecules, glycolysis needs 2 ATP molecules.
  • These are called pyruvate acids or pyruvate molecules.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu