So what were the findings from the qualitative research you conducted?
It appears the community was worried that they will be unable to continue with their daily activities due to the outbreak.
They were hesitant to the vaccine as they thought they are not safe and they did not have enough knowledge on the vaccine.
The community felt their voices and concerns were not being heard.
After thorough education on the disease and vaccination, they felt more comfortable to receive the vaccination and were more willing to spread the message on safety of the vaccine
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I think we should conduct a vaccination campaign. Ministry of health will help us come up with the age eligibilty to be targeted with this campaign
We will also focus on containment measures just as we did with the COVID-19 outbreak, social distancing, wearing of masks and perhaps, travel restritions
Lets also ensure that we have evaluation mechanisms to helps us know where we are. This feedback will help us identify challenges and re-strategise.
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We should also reactivate and strengthen the RCCE that we were using during the COVIS-19 outbreak so that the public is kept informed about this new outbreak, its symptoms and how to prevent its spread.
We should come up with an action plan on how we want to deal with this outbreak successfully.
Firstly lets establish a crisis management task force which will support with disease surveillance to monitor new cases.