We've been over this many times, Yankel.  We have to be more careful because we are in contact with high risk individuals.  I'm sorry.  I really am.
Your mother and I have been speaking...  I'm sorry to tell you, but because of Covid, we are not going on any trips this Chol Hamoade.
What?  How could you do this to us?  It's not fair that we are still so careful with Corona!  No one is anymore!
We've tried to make videos before and they all turned out stupid.  What will we make it about anyway?
I'm also really annoyed about it, but I got an idea.  We'll have a lot of time at home with nothing to do, so why don't we make a video!
It's not fair!
We'll figure that out.  I want to show you something.
This, is a greenscreen.  We can take pictures or videos in front of it and add in backgrounds.
I just want to take a picture to try it out...
Where am I?
Get to work now, slave!
what's this?  Hey, the Nile is turning to blood!  Did that greenscreen thingy transport me to Mitzrayim something?
You okay?  You got this strange look on your face.  Was the camera flash too bright or something?
Oh, no, it's nothing.  But... I just thought of the best idea for the video!
After Pesach
Pesach Video 2021You thought we were here,Though despite the restrictions,We went all over, in our very own fiction!Let The Show Begin!Continue watching for The Pesach Video 2021!!!
We decided to make a video over Chol Hamoade.  Baruch just finished editing it!  Here it is!
Pesach Video 2021You thought we were here, Though despite the restriction,We went all over, in our very own fiction!Let The Show Begin!Continue watching for The Pesach Video 2021!!!
Image Attributions: (https://pixabay.com/en/kitchen-real-estate-interior-design-1940174/) - shadowfirearts - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0) (https://pixabay.com/en/living-room-chair-sofa-couch-home-2155376/) - ErikaWittlieb - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0) (https://pixabay.com/en/home-office-workspace-desk-design-820389/) - fancycrave1 - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)