I've called you all here to propose the legislative agenda!
Keep up the good work Glen, Make sure you do your weekly traffic report
Chief Executive
Yes Mr. President!
The President is the chief of state which means he is the ceremonial head of government. He represents America on special occasions and awards medals.
Party Chief
Therefore you should vote Juan for this position as a Democrat
The president is the proposer of the legislative agenda. He can veto or approve laws created by the legislature and address Congress annually at the State of the Union.
This is where your station will be until further notice
The president acts as a boss for federal workers like police officers and judges. He appoints officials who carry out laws.
Chief Citizen
The President is the leader of the political party that controls the executive branch. The president can help members of their political party get elected for office like President Biden is doing with Juan.
The President is the head of the nation's armed forces which means he decides where armed forces are and when. He controls the stations and weapons to be used.
The president is a chief citizen. He represents all of the people and works for public interest.
I represent all of you, and will try to do the best I can!