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Valitse Muokkaa
Valitse Muokkaa


1. You get your hair cut.

2. You buy a book from a garage sale.

3. You buy your a mother a flower from a flower shop.

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Valitse Muokkaa
Valitse Muokkaa
Valitse Muokkaa
Valitse Muokkaa
Valitse Muokkaa
Valitse Muokkaa
Valitse Muokkaa
Valitse Muokkaa
Valitse Muokkaa
Valitse Muokkaa
Valitse Muokkaa
Valitse Muokkaa

A good is something you buy and consume. Goods are things that you can keep, eat, or use.

If you go to the store and buy an apple, you get to keep the apple and take it home with you, so it is a good.

A service is something that someone does for you. When you buy a service, you hire people to perform work. You are not buying something you can touch and hold.

If your car is broken, you might hire someone to fix it. You are paying for a service.
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