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Estimation Practice/ Edit Title

Directions: Enter text here.

a. 1 inch

b. 5 feet

a. 1 foot

b. 5 inches

a. 2 yards

b. 12 inches

chocolate knots

ice cream


a. 1 mile

b. 75 feet

a. 3 yards

b. 7 inches

a. 4 inches

b. 5 feet

Ferris wheel


cup of coffee

a. 8 inches

b. 12 miles

a. 2 feet

b. 3 inches

a. 5 yards

b. 1 mile



road to the next city
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Girar:   Voltear Horizontalmente Voltear Verticalmente title= Girar 90 ° Hacia la Derecha
Capas: Adelantar Traer al Frente Enviar Hacia Atrás Enviar al Fondo
Editar:   Dupdo Stretch to Fill Recortar Borrar
Borrar Posición de Bloqueo Desbloquear la Posición

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